RFID systems (Radio Frequency IDentification) have spread in the industrial sector as a valid alternative/supplement to traditional labelling and identification systems.The multiplicity of types and labels encoding standard has led to a need for diversification of products and devices. The use of RFID allows to unify all the labelling and identification process in a single step thanks to the application of
RFID tag, labels equipped with unpowered circuits which, while in presence of special antennas, are able to send back the recorded information to the control system. They can be passive (tag data can be red only) or active (the reader can also insert/update tag data); they can also be integrated inside other labels to furnish additional or redundant information.
RFID controller, readers (fixed or portable) are equipped with one or more antennas and are able to detect the presence of tags and programmable in order to read/write the tag data as provided by the connected informative system (ERP, MES, WMS, SCADA, …).