• +39 0423 723921
  • info@oasis.to

Remote assistance

When the implant is started, the customer stands in a tricky step in which he’s able to operate but he has to become familiar with all the functionalities and the machine behaviour which derive from the daily use, and which can generate anomalous situations or sudden stops.

In this case, OASI.S is present to assist the customer through remote connections for:

  • Verify in real time the status of the single machine or the all implant
  • Analyze the nature of the problem
  • Act remotely (if possible)
  • Predispose the implant for a first aid.



via della Borsa, 12
I 31033 - Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
t. +39 0423 723921 - f. +39 0423 744472

C.F. e P. IVA 03435980267
CCIA ( TV-1999-3412 ) - REA 272700
Cap. soc € 100.000,00 i.v.
