• +39 0423 723921
  • info@oasis.to

Intralogistic goods sorting

Driving a pallet to the shipment area, bringing materials to picking areas through the operator, sorting of packages for an order. Internal goods sorting results to be a focal node and may represent a true bottleneck during the internal intralogistics evolution.

From OASI.S point of view, the definition of an integrated logistics project requires a full analysis of every flux and real or potential case studies to furnish the best solution for the customer.




via della Borsa, 12
I 31033 - Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
t. +39 0423 723921 - f. +39 0423 744472

C.F. e P. IVA 03435980267
CCIA ( TV-1999-3412 ) - REA 272700
Cap. soc € 100.000,00 i.v.
